College Magazine

with the aim of inculcating creative writing among the students, the collehe magazine "RANUKA DHARA" is pubslihed annually.

Sr. No. Section Staff Editors Student Editors
1 Hindi Section Asstt. Prof. Ambra Devi Tapender Singh (BA VI Sem.)
2 English Section Asstt. Prof. Vikram Singh Thakur Preeti Sharma (BAVI Sem.)
3 Pahari Section Asstt. Prof. Dinesh Kumar Vikram Dhiman (BAVI Sem.)
4 Planning Section Asst. Prof. Ajay Kumar Rajneesh(BAVI Sem.)
5 Sanskrit Section Asst. Prof. Vinod Sharma Vikram (BA VI Sem.)
6 Science Section Asstt. Prof. Vineet Kumar Ritika Kumari (BSc IV Sem.)